Who Are We?
The Georgia Police Accreditation Coalition (GPAC) exists to improve the quality and delivery of law enforcement services to the citizens of its communities, by endorsing and assisting in the processes of national accreditation and state certification. GPAC provides technical assistance to agencies in all phases of accreditation and certification, from file setup and documentation, to policy and procedure writing.
National accreditation may be earned through the Commission of Accreditation for Law Enforcement Agencies (CALEA). State certification may be earned through the Georgia Association of Chiefs of Police.
GPAC provides thorough, preparatory “mock” assessments for CALEA accreditation and State certification, with detailed reporting. GPAC membership is also comprised of many assessors who conduct the actual assessments for the Georgia Law Enforcement Certification Program.
For more information about accreditation and/or state certification process, please visit www.calea.org or www.gachiefs.com/state-certification.
To review the GPAC By-Laws, please click here.